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Welcome to the 3rd edition of Investor Event

Welcome to the 3rd edition of Investor Event

Come to the ’Investor Event' on March 30 in the Papiersaal in Zürich

Join us for the 3rd Edition of Investor Event – to find new investment opportunities and get in contact with c-level executives and founders from Swiss companies. We came up with a solution to create liquid markets for all Swiss companies. Through tokenized shares and decentralized automated markets, everybody can now invest in unlisted Swiss companies. It will be an excellent opportunity to find new investment opportunities all gathered in the same place.   The event will be held in English  If you are interested to participate, please contact Urs Bolt ( to get a free ticket. Or: 



6 Kalanderplatz
8045 Zürich

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16:30 Door Opening & Welcoming

17:00 Intro & 20/20 Pitch

18:05 Expert Panel & Elevator Pitches


  • Luzius Meisser, Co-founder & Chairman at Aktionariat AG

  • Dagmara Robinson, Investor Relations & Sustainability Advisor

  • Andrés Luther, Partner, Member of the Board of Directors, Hirzel.Neef.Schmid.Konsulenten

19:00 Networking & Apéro-Riche

23:00 End of Event