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Interview: Gianmarco Bonaita, Head of Strategic Projects at Alpian

Interview: Gianmarco Bonaita, Head of Strategic Projects at Alpian

2 June 2022
Press releases

Upon announcing Alpian’s new partnership with Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, we set out to explore the motivation behind this new partnership and the value it holds with Gianmarco Bonaita, Head of Strategic Projects at Alpian.

How did the partnership start?

Fideuram has been consistent in looking to improve the service offering for its clients. It is Italy‘s largest private bank and the customer has always been at the center of its effort. Given the recent evolutions in customer needs, it has been looking to enhance its digital wealth management offering.

Alpian has been building a digital private banking offering, in which wealth management plays a critical role and is at the center of its service.

In Alpian, Fideuram has found a partner with whom to share capabilities and experiences to enhance the level of service for their clients in digital wealth management.

How is Alpian growing thanks to this partnership?

There are various avenues that the partnership is helping us pursue and develop.

First of all, we are advancing our knowledge about designing and building a service offering that, from the start, needs to be able to handle tens of thousands of clients and their associated wealth.

Secondly, we need to find solutions for clients at different stages of their relationship with the bank. From newly joined clients to those with a long-lasting relationship, they all have different needs which are equally important and need to be addressed. This is going to be a great learning for us that we will be able to leverage over the next years.

Thirdly, we have been able to strengthen our team and bring on board highly skilled talent with great capabilities, especially regarding cloud-based technologies.

What is unique about this partnership?

There are many aspects that make this partnership special and set it up for success.

Firstly, Fideuram is a shareholder of Alpian, which is a key factor as both companies look at the long-term success of the collaboration.

Secondly, they are both banks, despite the difference in size. This allows a common understanding of the rules and necessities that should be put in place when building a solution for a financial institution. 

Thirdly, the direction that Fideuram wants to pursue, building a cloud-based digital wealth management offering with a key emphasis on the user experience, represents one of the main elements of Alpian’s vision.

What else is important to you?

What I would emphasize is the great collaboration that both the Fideuram teams and the Alpian team have already demonstrated in the daily work.

The objective that we have set is not simple, as we really want to enhance the level of service.

This requires dealing with many situations that we never encountered before, and the joint team is really embracing the challenges and working together to deliver a great outcome.

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