Terms of use


By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use. Furthermore, you accept that Alpian SA (“we”) may, at any time and without any prior notice requirement, amend these Terms of Use.

Website ownership

This website is our exclusive property. Our proprietary rights shall not be altered in any way by any reproduction or use of the website.

Copyright and trademarks

The content and layout of this website are protected by copyright (all rights reserved) and other intellectual property rights, held by us. Information provided on this website may only be downloaded, printed or otherwise reproduced – for personal, non-commercial purposes – provided that the copyright notes and other statutory proprietary designations are retained. You do not acquire rights by reproducing or copying in any way information available on this website; all rights are retained by us. You are strictly prohibited from using anywhere other than on the website and from copying in any way whatsoever softwares or any other tools available on the website. It is forbidden under any circumstances to set up links, e.g. in the form of hyperlinks or inline links, to this website, to frame it, or to access it through inline links or through a frame, without our prior written approval. It is forbidden to reproduce in whole or in part, transmit by electronic or any other means, modify or use copyright elements of this website for public or commercial purposes without our prior written approval. Alpian® and its logo in particular are our trademarks. These trademarks may not be reproduced or used without our prior written permission.

Content of this website

All the information provided on this website is provided for information purposes only and should in no event be construed as an offer, a piece of advice or a recommendation to buy or sell a financial instrument or to engage in any transaction whatsoever; nor should the information provided be construed as advice of any other type, for example of a fiscal or legal nature. Although we make reasonable efforts to keep all information accurate and up-to-date, we do not assume any responsibility or liability for its accuracy, completeness or timeliness.


The activation of certain links on the website may cause you to leave our website. We do not review any of these linked websites and do not warrant or guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, the quality, pertinence, accuracy, completeness, update status, availability or legality of the content of these sites, nor shall we be in any way responsible for the products, services, information and other content offered via these linked sites. The same applies to websites offering links to our website.

Confidentiality and encryption

Your attention is drawn to the fact that the data exchanged between yourself and us is transmitted via open, public networks (such as the Internet) that are not subject to any controls or reviews. The data transferred may travel beyond Switzerland’s borders, even if both yourself and us are located in Switzerland. In addition, even if the data transmitted is encrypted, it may not necessarily stay encrypted for the entire duration of the transmission, nor may it necessarily remain encrypted at your end: it is possible that data may be intercepted. Furthermore, you hereby declare that you have taken note that the legislation applicable in your country may prohibit or restrict the importing, exporting or use of encryption logarithms. In no event shall we be responsible for any violations of measures governing the importing, exporting or use of encryption logarithms. You alone shall be responsible in the event of any such violation. Lastly, your attention is drawn to the fact that information transmitted electronically, e.g. by e-mail, is in principle not encrypted and may be intercepted.

Exclusion of liability

Neither us, our directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders, nor third party information providers, their directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders will assume any liability for any loss or damages whatsoever, be they direct or indirect, incurred as a result of accessing the website or using the information and services available on the website, or as a result of the inability to access or use any information or services available on the website.

Confidentiality in respect of user ids and passwords

You are obliged to keep user IDs, passwords and other means of identification secret. To this end, you must not store your user IDs, passwords or other means of identification in your browser and you must delete all temporary files stored in your cache memory as well as your surfing history. You are solely responsible should such means of identification be communicated to, discovered or misused by a third party, and for any and all losses and damages resulting there from. You have taken note of the fact that you are required to disconnect from the identification services proposed by us before leaving your Internet station. To do this, you must close all your browser windows showing the site.

Proper use of the website

You undertake to use the website in a proper and reasonable manner, and not to misuse the website in any way or use it in such a way as might occasion, for example, the overloading of the website, any delay in the transmission of information, any interruption of service, blockage of access to the website or any other effect detrimental to us or to the users of our website.

Place of jurisdiction

The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Terms of Use stipulated herein and/or the use of the website is Geneva, Switzerland. We nevertheless reserve the right to initiate proceedings against you before the competent court at your domicile or any other competent authority.

Partial nullity and choice of law

In the event of one of the Terms of Use being void, cancelled or rendered otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining Terms of Use shall not be affected or impaired. In all other instances, the Terms of Use as well as the use of the website are exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law.



Use of this chatbot indicates your acceptance of these terms and Alpian's website terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the chatbot.

By using this AI chatbot, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • This chatbot provides information about Alpian's products and services, but cannot offer financial advice or make product recommendations.

  • The chatbot's responses are not binding offers or solicitations to buy or sell any products or services.

  • Alpian makes no guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the chatbot's responses. Information provided may be simplified or incomplete. AI LLM can at some points ‘hallucinate’ and provide wrong information.

  • You will not hold Alpian liable for any errors, omissions, or misstatements in the chatbot's responses.

  • Your conversations with the chatbot are anonymized. We do not collect or store any personal data through the chatbot.

  • We may analyze aggregated, anonymized conversations to improve the chatbot's knowledge and responses.

  • Alpian adheres to all applicable Swiss banking regulations and laws.

Acceptance of terms

By using Alpian's Virtual Financial Concierge (the "Chatbot"), you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Please review them carefully. If you do not agree with these terms, you must not use the Chatbot.

Purpose and limitation

The Chatbot is designed to provide information related to Alpian's banking services. It is not intended to provide financial, legal, or investment advice. Any reliance on the information provided is at your own risk.

Data collection and usage

  1. Non-Personal Data: The Chatbot may collect data such as device information, browser type, and usage patterns. This information cannot be used to personally identify individuals and will be used solely to enhance user experience.

  2. Cookies: The Chatbot may use cookies or similar technologies to understand user preferences and tailor content accordingly.

  3. Third-Party Involvement (Chatbase): The Chatbot is powered by Chatbase, which may have access to anonymized questions. No personally identifiable information is shared with Chatbase.

  4. Swiss Data Protection Compliance: All data collection and processing comply with applicable Swiss data protection laws and regulations.

  5. Security Measures: We implement robust security measures to protect the data collected.

  6. Data Retention: Question Data will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with applicable laws.

Intellectual property

All content, including text, graphics, and code, is owned by Alpian and protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

Limitation of liability

Alpian shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the Chatbot.

Changes to terms

Alpian reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Continued use of the Chatbot signifies your acceptance of any changes.

Governing law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.

Contact information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at marketing@alpian.com